End of Year Giving 2024
At Rumi Center, we know that change starts with people like you. Every act of kindness, every dollar, and every moment of your time brings us closer to achieving our mission. Together, we can create a better, more hopeful and compassionate world for all.
Did You Know?
69% of 4th graders in AZ are not proficient readers and 76% are not proficient in math.
31% of Arizona children (age 10-17) were overweight or obese.
Over 17% of AZ children live below the poverty threshold.
our Approach
Health is not only the absence of disease and disability. It is the physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being of individuals and communities. Our programs focus on health promotion and disease prevention, access to healthcare, and holistic initiatives to boost individual and community health.
Education is the doorway to learning about self and community and to engaging the world. It is gaining skills and insights. We aim to promote and enable children and their families in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and insights integral to becoming an educated person and contributing members of communities.
Youth Development
Navigating professional paths together – programs and resources that facilitate exploring careers, developing skills, and building networks for meaningful employmentChildren and young adults thrive when they have opportunities to develop their skills and abilities and to build their confidence in a positive environment with caring and supportive relationships. We are committed draw on their strength of our youth and their families and providing the environment, experiences and relationships to grow and achieve their potential.

Reading Bee Program
Jan 2023 - Jul 2023
The Need:
In 2022, nearly 70 % of all 4th graders in AZ and 81% of children from low-income families were not proficient readers (AECF.org). Children who are not reading proficiently by 3rd grade are four times more likely to drop out of school. Additionally, 90 % of high school dropouts were struggling with reading in 3rd grade. Children from low-income families struggle more because their parents are too busy working multiple jobs, juggling responsibilities and have no time, energy and perhaps ability to work on reading with their children. As the children struggle or drop out of school, their life choices reduce, and the cycle of poverty continues.
Rumi Center strives to bridge the opportunity gap through the various programs we offer to youth and their families, and we know that early intervention is critical.
Our Intervention:
The Rumi Center aims to teach children from low-income families to become proficient in reading at 2nd grade level and beyond with one-on-one trained instructors. Our program is open to children 4-9yo from underserved communities regardless of their background or physical abilities. To increase accessibility, the program will be offered in the children’s neighborhood.
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What Kids are Saying...
“I love all the teachers that we had and how everyone was in a good mood and happy to teach us what we needed "
-(Isaiah, 9th grade)“I like how flexible and how open to questions the teachers were "
-(Michele, 9th grade)Support Our Cause
Your donations help us provide resources and opportunities for youth in our community.